Friday, September 12, 2008

Water, dogs and letting go.

I find solace by and in the sea, I always have.  Here are the images from Wednesday Sept 10, 2008.  I decided to shoot that day after seeing the photos of the dogs and the sea on our new blog.  I felt inspired and happy to just walk out and see.  I have included an image of my dog Alex who passed in October 2007.  I miss him everyday and he is the reason I am in San Francisco, surrounded by dogs and surf.  My heart is in all of this so deeply that I couldn't shoot for quite some time without falling apart from the inside out.  Now, I am seeing differently as I lost a companion who kept me walking with a sense of innocence and joy.  I see through different eyes now and have lost a best friend and gained a world of knowledge.


charlie said...

Kim, I really like this image taken from the car. I like the framing and compartmentalizing that the windshield and door provide and i love the color...the sea and sky sorta just run into one another. Nice

charlie said...

Also, didn't notice on first look, but the blue from the tint at the top of the windshield adds another shade of blue

kimberly said...

thanks charlie...i appreciate you taking the time to comment on my blog. btw, i put the william albert allard info on for you in mind. he has an amazing way of seeing light. i hope you like it. Also, when are you coming to class?? i keep bringing in a book of his for you.